The undersigned, being the owner(s) of certain real property which is located in Levy
County, Florida, and which is not presently a portion of the City of Williston, respectfully
petition that the said lands hereinafter described be annexed to the City of Williston, Levy
County, Florida, and submit the following:

  1. The lands sought to be annexed are contiguous to the present corporate boundary of
    the City of Williston, Levy County, Florida.

  2. The lands sought to be annexed are compatible with the lands presently located in the
    City of Williston.

  3. The lands sought to be annexed to the City of Williston constitute a compact area,
    contiguous to the boundary lines of the City of Williston and municipal services can be or have
    been extended to the said property without significant expenditures and costs, provided,
    however, that the City shall not be obligated to provide capital improvements to extend
    municipal services until financing sources are available. The cost of capital improvements to
    extend municipal services may be paid for by special assessments imposed directly against the
    property as provided by law.

  4. The lands sought to be annexed to the City of Williston are more particularly described
    as follows, to-wit:

    See Exhibit “A”, attached.

  5. The City will derive the benefit of the development of the said lands.

  6. The City will, following the annexation, incorporate by ordinance, the annexed area
    into the comprehensive land use plan and zoning scheme of the City; each of the undersigned

    waives all rights and claims which may arise under statute or otherwise for any diminution in
    value of property caused thereby.

  7. Upon annexation, the said lands will become a part of the City and will be subject to
    all ordinances, codes, rules and regulations applicable to lands within the City, including the
    imposition of municipal taxation.

WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that the City Council of the City of
Williston, Florida accept this Petition under the provisions of Section 171.044, Florida Statutes
and initiate the necessary and proper procedures for the annexation of the area described above
to become a part of the corporate limits of the City of Williston, Levy County, Florida.


Make checks payable to The City of Williston

Annexation Fees:

  1. Small annexation for a parcel of land one acre or less in size which
    Contains an existing single family or duplex dwelling; (Includes land
    use amendment and rezoning)…

  2. All other annexation (does not include land use amendment or